I'm preparing to take ACE exam.
I would appreciate if you could share your experience
about the exam and preparations for it.
How hard is it?
How long were you preparing to take the exam.. and so on...
Thank you!
Best regards
I'm preparing to take ACE exam.
I would appreciate if you could share your experience
about the exam and preparations for it.
How hard is it?
How long were you preparing to take the exam.. and so on...
Thank you!
Best regards
The exam is easy if you've used Acrobat for a long time and maybe even taken previous ACE exams.
The exam is hard if you've not studied all topics in the Exam Bulletin and it's your first exam as such.
My advice is to think of Acrobat as part of the (now) family of Acrobat products. Many people foget this part - also remember to train with both Mac and Windows if you can.
Visting forums such as this one can help but don't get too deep since sometimes the questions and answers might be misleading (wink) ..
I've taken 5 Acrobat ACE exams and I study for each very seriously - I would recommend reading the HELP guide if you have time - http://www.acrobatusers.com/blogs/kfoss/2007/02/07/acrobat-8-help-options-formats/
I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999