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Acrobat Form to Excel

Registered: Jan 21 2011
Posts: 5

I am on Acrobat Standard X using Windows 7 and Excel 2007.
I go through the following steps:
1) File > Save As > Reader Extended Version > Enable Form Fill In
2) Send the form to my client, who fills it out, saves it, and emails it back to me.
3)I open the form and can see all the answers from the client.
4) I do File > Save As > Spreadsheet > Excel Workbook.
The program saves the entire form and I can see it in Excel but the data the client entered has not transferred over to Excel.
What do I need to do to get the data to come over to excel as well?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 10.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You might wait for more responses to your original post. In short I would put all the responses in one file and then process the data as needed.

George Kaiser