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Acrobat Pro Extended 9 and Internet Explorer 7

Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 5

I frequently need to use the typewriter feature in acrobat, and as the default association in internet explorer is to acrobat reader, I have to go through several additional steps to save a browsed-to PDF file to a specific location, and then open the document again before I can use the typewriter. I have to do this (because of ASME Committee work, etc) frequently enough that it does become tedious.

My question is; Is there a way to create an application association in IE 7 that will cause the browser to point to the full version of Acrobat, as opposed to the reader version, to open a browser link when it is toggled?


Dan W.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
When you click on a PDF to open -- what program is launched Adobe Reader or Acrobat?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Jul 25 2007
Posts: 5
When not in Internet Explorer, clicking on or opening a pdf causes the full version of Acrobat to open. The extension association in windows for pdf type files is Acrobat 9 full version.