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Acrobat Reader 7 and PDF 1.8

Registered: Jun 11 2009
Posts: 3


Does anyone know whether Acrobat Reader version 7 can read ALL PDF 1.8 documents (that is, documents created using Acrobat 9)?

Thank you.

My Product Information:
Reader 7.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Those features that are specific to a newer Acrobat (PDF version) are not accessible to an older Acrobat Reader that was released with an older PDF version.
So, Acrobat Reader 7 (out with PDF version 1.6) cannot access/use features introduced
by PDF version 1.7 (Acrobat 8) or the Adobe addendums to the ISO standard for PDFs
(aka "PDF version 1.8).

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Be well...