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Acrobat X - Fast Web View not working in some browsers

Registered: Nov 29 2010
Posts: 4

We have a web-based platform that is often used to serve large documents.
We therefore depend heavily on PDF's "Fast Web View" feature.
Amazingly, this feature is NOT working properly within the browser for FireFox on Windows and also for IE6 on Windows. With these browsers, the user needs to wait for the full document to load before the first page can be viewed.
It works fine for IE8 for Windows and also for Safari on Mac.
This is an absolutely terrible bug. Is anybody else facing this problem?
I also notice that the "Version" pulldown menu below does not have X yet. Maybe it should since X is now the default reader version available from Adobe's website.

John Badger

My Product Information:
Reader, Windows
Registered: Nov 29 2010
Posts: 4
I am astonished that nobody else is interested in this issue!

Fast web view is an absolutely essential feature -- not having it means that large PDFs need to be completely downloaded before the user can start reading... The Acrobat X browser plug-in for Safari and IE works fine, but it is completely broken for FireFox/Chrome.

I have seen virtually no discussion about this vital feature, and was shocked to see that its still broken in Reader 10.1

Help please!

John Badger

Registered: Nov 29 2010
Posts: 4
I guess I should have provided a specific example of this issue...

With both "allow fast web view" and "display PDF in browser" enabled in Reader or Acrobat X (both are the default settings), click the following link in IE(windows) or Safari(mac):

You will see that the document opens quite quickly , and you can even scroll to the end right away because of the powerful fast web view / PDF streaming feature. Its quite a time saver.

Now, try opening the same link from FireFox (Windows) or Chrome (Windows) and note that it waits to display the document until all 978 pages (9 MB) have been downloaded.

This is such a vital feature and its been broken since Acrobat X was first released.

John Badger

Registered: Nov 29 2010
Posts: 4
Can somebody explain to me why the above posts have no reply?

Are FireFox and Chrome not seen as important browsers?

Is fast web view not viewed as an important feature? In other words, is responsive handling of large documents not not viewed as an important product performance metric?

Has nobody else been able to replicate this issue? I have never seen fast web view work in Firefox/Chrome with Acrobat X, but perhaps there is something unique about all the machines that we have tested on.

John Badger