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Acrobat X Pro - Less convenient than 9, which is less convenient than 8

Registered: Jan 3 2011
Posts: 2

When I upgraded from Acrobat Pro 8 to Pro 9, sending an email through Acrobat lost the feature of allowing it to create an email with the subject line in tact. We use Acrobat to sign off on invoices and forward them back to our accounting department. Prior to 9, you could open an email, click on the Acrobat icon, sign off on the invoice and email it back through easy tools in the application. Once you selected email, a new email message from your preferred email client would open and the original subject line was there. I contacted Adobe when I noticed this and they said that the feature was removed in error and would reappear in a future update. So far that feature has not "reappeared" through all of the updates of version 9.
Now with version X, I was hoping that feature would reappear. No such luck, in fact version X takes away so much productivity, I'm amazed. Sending an email in version 9 was a simple one click process. Now I click on the email icon and a new side bar opens and and you have to make another click that says "Attach". Of course it's not the end of the world, but it's certainly more time consuming than the previous version. Version 9 also allowed you to move tool bars to the same line so you don't waste screen space with layers of tool bars on top of each other. Now it appears that the tool bar and quick tools must appear on separate lines wasting so much space. If you're using a desk top screen, you may not be bothered, but when using a laptop screen, responsible use of screen real estate really matters (to me anyway).
One other of the many disappointments is that in previous versions the stamp tool could be used to choose your preferred stamp by clicking on the left side, or you could choose additional stamps by clicking the right side (down arrow). Now that feature has also disappeared, so you can no longer instantly choose your preferred stamp.
Isn't Acrobat supposed to be helping work flow and making tasks easier? My workflow has gotten more difficult with each upgrade. I guess my only choice is to uninstall X and go back to 9, but that stinks because I already paid for X and it is long past it's return date.
Am I missing something, or am I just out of luck?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Macintosh
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi tstrand,

Not a reply to all your comments, but you can place the stamp tool as well as most of the other tools into the Quick Tools toolbar so you can access them from the upper toolbars instead of the side panel. On each tool such as the stamp if you put the cursor on it and look real hard you'll see a hatched grabber on the left side of the highlight square for the tool icon. If you put the mouse on that hatch bar then you can click and drag that tool into the Quick Tools area of the toolbar (it is the one with the round gear icon).

Hope this helps,


Registered: Jan 3 2011
Posts: 2
Hi Dimitri,

Thank you for trying to help. I do have the stamp tool in the Quick Tools toolbar. My comment/complaint is that you can no longer instantly select a preferred stamp by clicking on the left side of the stamp tool icon (up on the quick tool toolbar). You can only click on it and reveal a drop down of multiple options and then select your preferred stamp. As I said, it's not the end of the world, it just seems odd that Adobe would remove a convenience like being able to select a preferred stamp with one click.

Thanks again for your input. I appreciate your help.

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi tstrand,

I see what you are saying now- I just checked that out in Acrobat X and see that the last stamp used is no longer available by just clicking on the stamp tool again (as it is in Acrobat 8). I had not realized that feature was gone- bummer.

Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Apologies, but the Add Stamp tool is buggy in AX 10.0.

You can add stamps to the Favorites group, in which case they'll show directly under the icon on the dropdown list. Place one on a random document, click it to select it and choose Add Current Stamp to Favorites from the stamp tool dropdown. You can manage the favorites from the Stamps Palette, currently you can't get rid of the default "Approved" entry - that's a bug, as is that the add stamp icon doesn't have a single-click event. It's supposed to retain the last used choice but the code for the dropdown gets in the way of re-selecting it.

If you're working through a document and need the same stamp over and over, right-click the Stamp tool and choose "Keep tool selected" - then every time you click it'll place the same choice, but (bug 3) you can't use the space bar to toggle into hand mode without spraying stamps all over the place.