I am hoping someone here can help me find a better way of accomplishing a huge task. I have quite a few PDF files. Most are small manuals, guides, etc that I need to convert to XML. I have gone through and tagged many of them and have tested using the XML output from Acrobat Pro.
My question is, is there a way to set a schema for the XML output so I don't have to perform a lot of transforms on the output to get to my final result?
Are there 3rd party plugins that may save me some time?
I have never heard of a 3rd party plug-in for converting the Acrobat XML grammar, but there is one group that works extensively with PDFs and XML document grammars, the Software User Assistance professionals. Here's a link to the conference web site: http://www.writersua.com/. You should find links there to companies that do this sort of thing.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
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