I have created a PDF from a MS Word document and automatically stored bookmarks at the chapter level during the process. The document is over 500 pages and I am needing to add hyperlinks to several chapters so that I can add links on our Web site to to direct visitors to specific chapters.
I am running Acrobat Standard 9.0 and MS Word 2003.
To create the link, I am opening the PDF, highlighting the selected text, right clicking, and selecting the create link option. Selecting web page page and am directed to add the URL. This is where I get confused. Is this URL correct?
Once uploaded to the web, I get a "Webpage can not be displayed" error.
I had seen a post that stated there was a bug in version 9 in creating hyperlinks. So, don't know if that is the problem, or not.
Questions -
Is it possible to automatically add a hyperlink to the Word document as I am processing the bookmarks?
If not, where am I going wrong on the link text?
However, PDF is not HTML
To lay out a web URL in Acrobat use:
(The HTML anchor tag is not applicable in PDF.)
The #page=7 does comply with what Adobe discusses in the "PDF Open Parameters" document
so it ought to work.
fwiw, I place a link in a test PDF using Acrobat 9 Pro Extended.
Used your URL with the #page=7 & the link work as expected (right to page 7 of the PDF).[url=http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters_v9.pdf]The PDF[/url]
(for version 9, file [i]pdf_open_parameteres_v9.pdf[/i])
Using MS Words Hypertext feature, a properly formed URL (using no resticted characters (one of which is the space character - discussion available at W3C' site) and Adobe's PDFMaker you can create links in the MS Word file that will be present and working in the output PDF.
From past trials I've had little success with using PDF parameters placed in Word or Excel.
One thing I've noticed is that MS Office applications interpret the "#" for something specific to the MS Office applications so the "pass through" to Acrobat gets whacked. You can always post process the links in PDF to add the PDF parameters.
About Bookmarks. Office "bookmarks", particularly MS Word bookmarks are not at all the same thing as PDF Bookmarks.
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