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Adobe Reader's License Question

Registered: Aug 25 2009
Posts: 9

Hi, guys

I was doing some development works based on Adobe Reader (Not Acrobat, just reader).
I want to sell my software, what kind of licenses should I got? Does it cost much?


My Product Information:
Reader 9.1.3, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
If you're talking about a plugin for Reader the you'll need RIKLA licensing from Adobe, to ensure that you aren't doing anything contrary to Adobe's product policy (such as making Reader do something normally allowed only in Acrobat).


RIKLA is $2500 per year per plugin if you intend to distribute your software to the general public (free or for a fee). It takes about a month to get your integration key.
Registered: Aug 25 2009
Posts: 9

It is not a plug-in, just let users to print the pdf file through adobe reader. Invoke "AcroRd32.exe \t printerName myfile.pdf".
Registered: Aug 25 2009
Posts: 9
Thanks to UVSAR

I think the RIKLA is what I want.
Registered: Aug 25 2009
Posts: 9
I see another post in the Adobe forum

It says:

If you are going to be developing an application that controls Acrobat or Reader via JS/IAC/COM/OLE/DDE - no cost. (and your users will need to have Acrobat or Reader installed)

This is the type I want to using.
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Yes - if you're just calling the thing via OLE/DDE then you're not making any alterations to the way Reader operates, so RIKLA doesn't apply - you can do what you want as Reader's exposed commandline functions are designed to be very restrictive, therefore safe.

If you're intending to distribute copies of Reader with your software, you'll have to sign up for the redistribution agreement. It's free, but necessary. There are links on the Reader download page.
Registered: Aug 25 2009
Posts: 9
Thans UVSAE~