On certain documents I have in a set of 500,when using the touchup text tool to add text to a document (ctrl click) the text is upside down. (Acrobat 8 Pro, also Acrobat 7 Pro) Performing all sorts of rotations, or inverting the view doesn't help. Optimizing the pdf doesn't make any difference. Using a stamp tool on these particular documents also produces the same problem, what should be stamped on the top of the document, is stamped, upside down on the bottom. I'm unable to find out why this is happening, nor can find any solutions. The pdf otherwise appears normal, it is a letter size in portrait layout. Certainly the text is oriented correctly - Acrobat seems to think this document is inverted when it actually isn't. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
If the rotation of the document is different from the rotation of the text added, this can cause this sort of problem. There is no way to check the rotation of your documents from the Acrobat UI, but you can do this with JavaScript.
Can you post one of the problem PDFs somewhere so we can take a look at it?
Hope this helps,
WindJack Solutions
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions