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Automate compare documents function in Acrobat X

Registered: Mar 1 2011
Posts: 1

We have a large number of documents which need to be compared with the compare documents function.
My first thought was to use a batch process/action, but this functionality is not exposed through that. Neither is it exposed in the way we need it through javascript (execMenuItem() simply brings up the dialog; I need this to run without user intervention for each pair of documents to compare!), as far as I can tell.
Any suggestions, or is Acrobat unsuitable for this task?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Comparing documents isn't a workflow designed for automation, as it requires human input to evaluate the differences and select the options for comparison (Acrobat cannot tell which to use; it's a judgment call). Because of that it's not possible to automate the analysis.