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Automatic linking throughout document

Registered: Aug 3 2006
Posts: 1

I have set up a briefing presentation with navigation by a web-type display of buttons that are titled "home" "forward" "back" and "last." Is there a way in Acrobat 9 (or a 3rd party software) that will automatically set the four links on all pages so I don't have to manually "draw" the link box with linking (i.e. view,go to next page)on each page. That is bad enough, but if I insert a page then all the manual linking is off and has to be redone.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.4, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Accepted Answer
Are you using JavaScript for the link action or are you linking to views?

Linking to views keeps the location set. If you use JavaScirpt, then you can move to the first page, next page number, previous page number, or last page. Also if you use JavaScirpt, then you can copy and paste the links and the actions will still work as the code is modifying the value of a PDF doc property, page number, and not using a specific location.

The script for the first page is:

// go to the first page using zero based page number
this.pageNum = 0;

The script for the last page:

// go to the last page using zero based page number
this.pageNum = this.numPages - 1;

The script for the next page:

// go to next page number

The script for the previous page:

// go to previous page

George Kaiser