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autorun readme file on cd

Registered: Mar 14 2008
Posts: 3

i'm working on a mac preparing a catalog with lots of links (both internal and url). it will be available only on cd and i want a readme file to launch upon inserting the cd. so far i have found info/programs only for doing this on the windows os.

i would appreciate any and all suggestions!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Macintosh
Registered: Mar 7 2008
Posts: 7
I used to use quicktime for my CDs but try looking at:

but don't hold your breath as it looks like Apple have dropped the function completely.
Registered: Mar 14 2008
Posts: 3
thanks, and i won't hold my breath because apple apparently did drop that function and has no plans to do anything about it.
