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Batch sequence 'Recognize Text Using OCR' rotates the source image...

Registered: Apr 21 2009
Posts: 6

Hello all,

I am using a host of multipage PDF documents and trying to use batch sequence 'Recognize Text Using OCR'. I see some of the pages are rotated once they are OCR'd.

I checked the settings in 'Recognize Text' but there is nothing that would suggest how to stop the rotation. Any help would be appreciated.


Registered: May 8 2007
Posts: 34
I think the image has to be rotated to "read" the text when you use Recognize Text Using OCR. I would add a rotate function to the batch sequence to put the PDF back to where you want it.
Registered: Apr 21 2009
Posts: 6
I got it, it would be helpful though if after reading Acrobat would keep the original orientation. Take note developers (add a check box that says 'Keep Original Orientation').

It seems there is no way to rotate pages unless I open the PDF and view them, because it is not all pages that need rotation. Pages are rotated at Acrobat's discretion.
