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Bates Numbering

Registered: Dec 13 2006
Posts: 2

This question involves document managemetn. For Adobe Professional, (or Standard), can I input a "Bates" number on a set of printed documents. For example, lets say I have 5 documents at 3 pages each, each page would require a number (e.g., XY0001-XY0015) printed on the scanned or PDF document. Is this possible? If you don't understand my question, please google "bates numbering system."

My Product Information:
Reader 7, Windows
Registered: Feb 14 2006
Posts: 333
Yes - upgrade to Acrobat 8 Professional and use the new Bates Numbering feature.


Leonard Rosenthol
PDF Standards Architect
Adobe Systems

Registered: May 15 2008
Posts: 1
I have been writing guides using MS office. Our guide is made up of several chapters of word files and when we try to convert each of the word file to a PDF in Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard, the PDF generates bates numbering in the headings.
Are there any setting that need to be done in Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard so that I can avoid the Bates numbering in the PDF.

Please advice me on this ASAP.
