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Black out a PDF used as slide show

Registered: Jun 12 2007
Posts: 2

When using a PDF as a slide show presentation (by utilizing "Full Screen View"), is there a way to replicate the PowerPoint "B" key functionality, where if the "B" key on the keyboard is pressed, the slide show is "blacked out"? If not the "B" key, is there another way to achieve the "black out"?
Thank you for your response.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0.9, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
You could always bring another PDF to the forefront. Or better yes, create a black page. Then place an invisible button on every slide that navigates to the black page.

But there's no built-in functionality for screen blanking.

Thom Parker
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Very Important - How to Debug Your Script