I just upgraded to Acrobat 9 (Windows). I created a PDF file with bookmarks, and set the initial view to Open Bookmark Panels and Page. This works fine whenver I open it in locally in Reader or Acrobat. However, once I post the file to the Intranet, and open it from there, the bookmarks panel does not display by default, (It will open, though, if I click the bookmark icon).
Any ideas on what might be causing this? Possibly an IE setting of some kind?
Anyway, turns out I was having some problems with folks in our company being on older versions of Acrobat, so when I remade the files, I set the job options to both save back to version 5. That seems to have resolved the problem. Now when I open the PDF in my Intranet, the bookmarks do show.
So maybe it was just a matter of the two versions conflicting.