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Bookmark Problem (Acrobat Pro 8)

Registered: Mar 31 2010
Posts: 2


When I create a PDF from Word my bookmarks are wonderful. They immediately take the user to the text that is the bookmark destination (shown at the top of the screen). This is what I want them to do!

However, when I create my own bookmarks in Acrobat 8 Pro the bookmarks only show the bookmarked text somewhere on the page. I want them to appear at the top of the screen as they do when created in Word.

Is there a way to force the bookmark to the top? Please HELP!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
set the zoom and view so that the target line is positioned at the top frame or the first character of the target line is positioned at the top left corner of the frame; rt-click on the existing bookmark and click 'set destination'. you'll need to experiment in order to get the technique.

also see