Is there a way to create a PDF file from the scanner that will automatically bookmark every page with a page number?
Is there a way to create a PDF file from the scanner that will automatically bookmark every page with a page number?
for (var i=0;i
for (var i=0; i (less than)this.numpages;i++){this.pageNum = i;app.execMenuItem("NewBookmark");}
for(i=0;i (less than) this.bookmarkRoot.children.length;i++){this.bookmarkRoot.children (i in square brackets) .execute();this.bookmarkRoot.children (i in square brackets).name = "Page " + this.pageNum;}
Read the bit in the Acrobat JavaScript Reference about bookmarks, but the best way to create a bookmark is to use the
"NewBookmark" menu item like this
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
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