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Can't make snap increments go away

Registered: Nov 13 2007
Posts: 4

Hey all I'm a n00b to adobe and hope someone can help me out. Using Acrobat 7 a we have one station that apparently is snaping in about 1/4" increments on the document. It makes all the lines marked up on the sheet nice and straight on perfect 45 degree angles ect. But most of the time it's just too much and we don't know how this got turned on in the first place so we can't turn it off.

Can anyone please tell me what function or setting I need to use to switch it back?

Thanks in advance

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Look under the menu option "Edit => Preferences" "Page Display" category and uncheck the "Display Transparency Grid".

George Kaiser

Registered: Nov 13 2007
Posts: 4
Ahhh... Thanks but no good. Checking/Unechecking it had no effect. The increments it's jumping around don't match. The Grid spacing seems to be relative while the snap increments are absolute.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
It sounds like the "Snap to Grid" option for forms has been checked.

George Kaiser

Registered: Sep 29 2011
Posts: 1
In the View menu uncheck "Snap To Grid", or use the keboard shortcut "Shif+Ctrl+U".
