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Change Acrobat's default selection for Bookmark views

Registered: Nov 21 2008
Posts: 108

The issue I'm running into is when combining multiple PDFs into a single, combined PDF (not a portfolio). When combining files, Acrobat creates bookmarks that link to the beginning of where each of the individual PDF files begins in the final file. The default programming appears to show those pages as 'Fit Width' when clicking on them, but I want to set it to 'Fit Page' without having to go back into each individual link and manually change each one. Is there a way to change the 'behind-the-scenes' programming for this function? A script or something? Thanks in advance!
Arobat 9.1.1 Professional
Windows XP SP3

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.1, Windows
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
re: "Is there a way to change the 'behind-the-scenes' programming for this function?" i think the answer is NO. you may find useful functionalities is this: named destinations (at any desired view) in the files to be combined will be carried into the combined file.
Registered: Nov 21 2008
Posts: 108
Thanks, Reid. Unfortunately none of the individual files carry named destinations when creating the combined PDF. They're just regular old PDFs with nothing in them, initially. It's something that Acrobat does automatically when combining them into the 1 PDF. It just creates a standard bookmark (that shares the same name as each individual file), one bookmark per combined file.
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
send me an email. send me the file. i will do for only you: change zoom on any number of bookmarks to fit page or inherit zoom or custom. i can do it in minutes. but sorry, i can't explain it or teach it and will not support anything i try to explain.
Registered: Nov 21 2008
Posts: 108
Reid, that's very kind of you to assist - thank you. I'd gladly send it along except that I'm going to be running into this problem in multiple situations as this type of file will need to be recreated for ongoing projects. Although it's a bit of a nuisance to have to reset the bookmarks, it's not impossible so I'll just forge ahead. Thanks for your input!
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
do you can use AA8 (not AA9) to combine the files? if so, i have a tip (off forum).
Registered: Nov 21 2008
Posts: 108
Sadly, no. I only have AA9.