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Changing a PDF

Registered: Jul 26 2006
Posts: 2

I an new to acrobat 8 and I receive files from others that are pdf,s and I need a software that will allow me to open the pdf and make changes to it be fore printing. Now I have to send it back to the customer and have them make the changes and then send it back. Can Acrobat 8 do this?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi lmckinne,

The way you are doing it now (getting the original file edited in the originating software used to create the file) is the Correct way to do this. PDF is a finished file format and not meant for any serious editing effort.

Having said that, if the edits are very minor like fixing a couple typos, then yes you can do this with Acrobat 8 Professional. Even then, this could be problematic- say you don't have the fonts used in the PDF on your system and you make a small edit for a typo- you'll be stuck substituting the font you don't have with a font on your system that Acrobat chooses as the closest match.

Hope that helps,

WindJack Solutions