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Changing the program for "attach to email" command

Registered: Jan 29 2010
Posts: 8

My Acrobat 8 Pro, running on Windows 7, keeps opening my copy of Outlook to create an e-mail to send even though my the default email program, as designated, is Windows Live Mail.

I do not use Outlook to send e-mails. How do I get Acrobat to choose the correct program?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
First, do realize that Adobe only tested Adobe Reader/Acrobat release 9.2 in Windows 7.
Adobe has stated that 9.2 and better will have support for Windows 7.
Also, Adobe states that, while releases prior to 9.2 may install and run, there will be no support of earlier releases for Windows 7.
In context of this, I suspect that you will encounter additional issues while using Acrobat 8.x product in Windows 7.

With that said; keep in mind that Acrobat is using what the OS is telling it is the "default email client".
You'll need to get the OS to provide the correct/desired information.
Nothing Acrobat can do; again, it uses what the OS identifies as the correct thing.
Compounding this is that Acrobat 8 does not "speak" Windows 7 OS at all well.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jan 29 2010
Posts: 8
Thanks for your reply.

Via "Default Programs," Windows 7 supposedly knows that Windows LiveMail is the default e-mail program. Outlook also knows that via the Options/Other tab.

Is there not equivalent tab in Acrobat 8?
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Is there not equivalent tab in Acrobat 8?
No, to date Acrobat has no "pick your email client" feature.
It relies on what it can determine from the OS environment it is in.
As Acrobat 8 is not Windows 7 "aware" (i.e., tested and code adjusted to "know" what to look for/use in Windows 7) its "confusion" vis-a-vis the email client is no surprise.

Keep in mind that as Windows 7 continues to be updated use of any application not designed for this OS will be less and less viable.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Dec 17 2008
Posts: 3
I'm having the same problem with Windows XP.

I have Thunderbird set as my default mail client. When I go into Thunderbird and have it check to see whether it (T'bird) is the default mail client, it says that it *IS*.

Yet, Acrobat still attempts to use Outlook (2003, which I recently installed, but do NOT use for e-mail).

What gives?

(Maybe can someone let me know where to look in the registry so I can just manually fix the issue?)


Registered: Jan 29 2010
Posts: 8
I've uninstalled MS Outlook entirely in the hope that Acrobat will find LiveMail. However, now Acrobat is "unable to connect" to my email program.

Can someone direct me to a user preferences file for Acrobat that I can delete so it will look for another email program, i.e. LiveMail, in recreating it?
Registered: Dec 17 2008
Posts: 3
Try reinstalling Acrobat; it should auto-reconfigure itself to the currently-installed mail system (right?). (First make sure your other/preferred mail program is set as the system default mail program. Probably there's somewhere within the setup of the mail program that you can check/set this.)
Registered: Jan 29 2010
Posts: 8
Thanks; did that, and it still isn't finding Windows Live Mail
Registered: Dec 17 2008
Posts: 3
Not really sure what Windows Live Mail is--but if it's a web-based thing (like hotmail), there may be no way to "connect" it. (Maybe someone else reading this thread knows more...?)
Registered: Jan 29 2010
Posts: 8
It's just the new name for the latest version of the Windows mail program, Outlook Express, which worked quite well with Acrobat previously.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Try making sure the following is set: Edit > Preferences > Internet > Internet Settings > Programs >Set Program> Set Program Access and Computer Defaults, Custom, Choose a default email program.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Mar 31 2010
Posts: 1
We are using Windows 7 but I see people writing of the same problem in Windows Vista and perhaps XP. Even though the default email program is set via "Set Program Access and Defaults," there may still be an incorrect registry entry pointing to Outlook. I haven't tried fixing this yet, but here are some web pages that say how. Do a "find" on the word "registry" in the web pages below and you'll see what I'm talking about:

I hope this helps someone. Try at your own risk, and remember to back up the registry before you change it.
Registered: Apr 29 2011
Posts: 1
This is what worked for me. No editing of the registry, just a simple setting in Windows 7:

I had to do this on my Old XP machine and again on my Vista machine, which I just upgraded to 7 professional.

It boils down to setting Thunderbird as default in a very specific way - even if you think it already is the default, it will only work in this way. I'm using Acrobat Pro 8.0, and it seems to work fine in Windows 7 even though it is not supported.

Here' how: Start > Default Programs > Set program access and computer defaults > Custom (expand this) > Choose a default e-mail program
Then, click on 'Thunderbird'. - 'Use my current email program' won't do it, even if Thunderbird is already your default.

I can now email my pdf documents from Acrobat! WOOO HOOO!!
Registered: May 7 2011
Posts: 1
Does anyone know how to make Acrobat 9 or X talk to Thunderbird on Mac? When I try to email a file, I'm told that "The SendMail doesn't know how to talk to your default mail client. Please select a different mail application to use."

Any help appreciated,

Magdalena Plewinska
Miami, FL, USA
Acrobat X, Mac OS 10.6.7

Registered: Nov 29 2011
Posts: 3
(Windows 7) I went to Internet Options - Programs tab - Set Programs - Set Program Access And Computer Defaults - Custom. There I change radio button to Windows Live Mail under Choose a default email progam.

It worked, but it seemeded to not keep the change after I closed Acrobat and re-opened it.
Registered: Nov 29 2011
Posts: 3
I take that back. It did keep the change.
Registered: Nov 29 2011
Posts: 3
I take that back. It did keep the change.