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Checkerboard background in Adobe 9 Pro Extended

Registered: May 12 2009
Posts: 9

How do I disable a checkerboard background in Adobe 9 Pro Extended?? I would like my white page background back and have looked everywhere to disable this feature even reinstalling. It is grey and white or grey and light light grey and there are thousands of these squares that looks like a checkerboard. Need help..anyone know?? Thanks.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
I've Acrobat Pro Extended/Windows as well and do not see the pattern you describe.
Just a thought, but you may be seeing the symptoms of failing hardware.

Monitor, graphics card/integrated graphics, or even a failing power supply - although, when I've had that, the monitor has typically shown a rolling horizontal bar pattern. CRT monitors can show odd displays when one of the guns for color slides into failure (seen that too ).
Might be worth running some diagnostics. Most computer vendors will bundle something into Window's control panel these days.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
bigmuny wrote:
How do I disable a checkerboard background in Adobe 9 Pro Extended?? I would like my white page background back and have looked everywhere to disable this feature even reinstalling. It is grey and white or grey and light light grey and there are thousands of these squares that looks like a checkerboard. Need help..anyone know?? Thanks.
It sounds like you might have the Transparency Grid on. Check under Edit > Preferences > Page Display
and uncheck "Show transparency grid".

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: May 12 2009
Posts: 9
Ikassuba..this worked perfecto'...thanks so much for your help..I ended up posting this twice, one in another person's thread and then my own but you were kind enough to answer in both so again thank you very much...