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Converting pdf to embedded-font text with very small sizes

Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 6

I have a pdf made from a scanned magazine article. The scan looks terrific - the images look fine and the text is rendered as fonts rather than as an image of the text. If I zoom in on the text it remains sharp, clearly because the pdf is simply redrawing the text.

I have tried several times to figure out how to scan another magazine article to achieve this effect. I have used OCR and finally hit on the text touch-up tool to recognize the text and font and embed the font in the document. I can even get the embedded font to display in the document. But I am still left with the scanned image of the font, which is blocky when I zoom in on it. Also, I had to select and choose properties on all paragraphs of the text.

Isn't there a standard rather quick way to scan a document and have Acrobat recognize the text and replace the scanned text with the embedded fonts, creating a pdf of a very small file size? Please let me know as I am excited to figure it out!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Macintosh
Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 6
Here is a link to the pdf that uses these embedded fonts:

thanks again
Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 6
Is there no one who knows what I'm talking about? When I scan to pdf I get a picture of the text. The document I'm trying to match has fonts in place of text. How do you scan to pdf and use scalable fonts?
Registered: Apr 3 2008
Posts: 1
I'm just a newbe, but my first inclination is that the article PDF you indicated was created using the original article. One other possibility might be that the specific fonts in use in the article may not be available on your computer and so may not be available to acrobat to incorporate into the scanned article.

Just guessing.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
For what it is worth...
Preflight checks and a look at the PDF's document information
indicate you are looking at something authored on a Mac and
processed through Distiller 3.0. Not a scanned image (although images
were incorporated into the authoring source file).
The images of text can be reproduced with a graphic/photo editing program.

I suspect you'd be able to replicate the PDF using InDesign or a similar application.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
We know you are using a Mac and version 8 Professional, but what scanner and OCR program are you using?

Do you have the same font of the second article available to your OCR program?

OCR PDFs are either image with hidden text or visible text with images depending upon if the OCR program has the necessary font available.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 14 2008
Posts: 6
thanks for the replies -

I am using an EPSON 2400 Photo scanner and I was using Acrobat itself to do the OCR.

I was able to get Acrobat to embed text that matches the scanned text image (I used the TouchUp text tool) and even display the embedded text, but because the image of the text was still being displayed the result was not readble.

I guess I don't understand the point of embedding text if you can't have it replace the image of the scanned text.

I did get in touch with the person who generated the pdf I'm trying to emulate, and she said she scanned it in Photoshop, although couldn't tell me how she got the scalable fonts to be part of the result. Perhaps she used Distiller to process into a PDF? I'll try that next.

Any other thoughts appreciated.

thanks again - David