I am trying to convert a PDF document to a word doc. The PDF was originally created in adobe acrobat 6.0 and i have acrobat 8.0. When i save as a word doc I lose the formatting of the PDF (this is purely a text doc - no images). How can I do the conversion and not lose the formatting?
It is the content of the structure tree that provides the format information when performing the export or save as.
This, of course, presumes that the PDF's source file was associated with an application that adequately supports a tagged output PDF and
that the final PDF is a well-formed (strucuture tree) tagged PDF.
To see if the PDF is tagged or not look at the Description tab of the PDF's Document Properties. The bottom left will have
"Tagged PDF: Yes" or "Tagged PDF: No".
If "No", the PDF has no structure tree. Using the Acrobat Professional product you can have it make a "best estimate" of what the structure tree might be and go from there. Expect to do some amount of "clean up" in the Word file.
If "Yes", the PDF ought to have a structure tree and something in it. A "yes" does not mean you have a well-formed structure tree.
Use the Full Checker, Adobe PDF checking option to get a better sense of what is present and what is missing.
(Advanced > Accessibility > Full Check)A "well-formed" structure tree in a tagged output PDF is the result of a "well-formed" authoring file in an application that provides robust support for producing the tagged output PDF.
As you have noted, a PDF without the well-formed structure tree can have the PDF's page content copied to Word; formating becomes part of the "clean up" activity in Word. A Word template that reflects what you observe of the PDF's page content "format" can help move the clean up activity along.
Be well...
Be well...