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Create UI element at runtime

Registered: Sep 10 2008
Posts: 2

Hi Experts,

1.I have one dynamic table. In that i have placed add and remove button. My scenario is When i add row first time all the rows should be in Textfield. Second time if i add a row means i need to change the textfields into dropdown.

2.Is it possible to do like this?

3.Is it possible to create UI elements dynamically at runtime?

Please help me if anybody know about this.


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LiveCycle Designer, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
No it is not possible to create new UI elements at run time. But this doesn't mean you can create a new instance of a "hidden" subform. Make both types of subforms and set them both to hidden, then create the instance you need. You can even place both subforms inside another subform that is the one that gets instanciated, then unhide the sub-subform that you need.

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