We have large statement files with up to 10,000 bookmarked accounts. we can split them using Acrobat X Pro but we need a corresponding CSV file to use as an index file to process the pdfs into a data base. How do we create the CSV file?
We have large statement files with up to 10,000 bookmarked accounts. we can split them using Acrobat X Pro but we need a corresponding CSV file to use as an index file to process the pdfs into a data base. How do we create the CSV file?
The only way to create a custom CSV file is to write a script. If you're already using a script to do the splitting then this is just addition. But if you are not using a script you'll need to write one to analyze the doc and produce the CSV you need.
The general method is to create a string variable to hold the raw CSV Text data as the document is being analyzed, then at the end of the analysis process write the string into an attachment on the file.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script