I am trying to create a custom dynamic stamp for my finance department and I can't find the instructions anywhere online. I went to an Adobe event where they introduced Acrobat X and I asked them about this but was told it was too advanced for the seminar.
Is there anyone out there who knows how to do this? My understanding is that there is a lot of JavaScript involved but I can't find anything on it.
This is indeed both a popular and advanced topic. Here are two tutorials from the Learning Center on custom dynamic stamps that should be helpful-
Custom Dynamic Stamps
Dynamic Stamp SecretsIf you search this site for "Custom Dynamic Stamp" it returns a long list of forum threads with helpful information on a large variety of questions about this subject-
http://acrobatusers.com/search/google/custom%20dynamic%20stamp?query=custom%20dynamic%20stamp&cx=010702214422959725198%3Amrw4k197ftq&cof=FORID%3A11&sitesearch=#1248My company produced a video that shows the kinds of things you can include in a custom stamp and different use cases. It can be viewed at-
Stamps Gone Wild!Depending on the complexity of your stamp, it can be a matter of copying and pasting, or it can involve some heavy-duty scripting. The resources listed above should give you an idea of what category your stamp falls into.
Hope this helps,
Dimitri Munkirs
WindJack Solutions