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Creating PDF file from InDesign -- dropping fonts, rules and images

Registered: Jun 20 2010
Posts: 5

Help! Please! I'm working in ID CS4 6.0.5 and using Acrobat 9.0.0 Pro.

When I create a PDF by using the export function in ID, the file is missing certain fonts, rules and images. Other fonts and images are in place. I have tried everything to figure this out, but I'm completely stumped. I hope someone out there can help me. I'm under deadline, of course!

Thank you.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Macintosh
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
It's difficult to say without seeing your file, but common things to check for include:

- are the objects or layers they're on set to non-printable?
- are the missing objects in a spot color, and being ignored by your color conversion path?
- are the fonts in question protected against embedding?

If you print to Distiller rather than use Export, does it work? How about if you use the little-known "headless" route of clicking "create PDF from file" in Acrobat and picking your INDD file?

You can check for many common export errors via the preflight panel in ID.
Registered: Jun 20 2010
Posts: 5
Thanks, UVSAR, for your suggestions. Turns out, I needed to update software and that fixed everything. :)
