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Cropping pages in Acrobat X

Registered: Nov 20 2010
Posts: 3

I just installed Acrobat X, upgrading from 8. I use crop a lot for multiple things but I cannot get it to work in Acrobat X. I can open the crop tool page but the only parameter than I can change is "current" page to "all" pages. The increments for top, bottom, left, & right are dimmed and stay at zero. It was always so simple and useful before but now I am stumped. Any help?

Jim Gabler

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 10.0, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
When the Set Page Boxes dialog opens, if the Margin Controls fields are disabled and you're not using "Fixed Sizes" with a named paper size, try switching to one of the other boxes from the dropdown on the top left - it seems to activate the fields and once activated they stay that way.

It's a bug, but not one that happens to everyone for some reason.
Registered: Dec 2 2010
Posts: 1

Came across same problem as JimGabler. Could you help me a little more by instructing me where to change the "Fixed Sizes" with a named paper size.
Your time is much appreciated


Registered: Nov 20 2010
Posts: 3

Your description of my problem was perfect, but I don't know how to proceed on your solution. Where do I specify "Fixed Sizes"????

I did not "Accept This Answer" on your response as I was waiting for how to proceed.

BTW - Acrobat Support is working on this and have made no progress in a week so they are escalating it. It does seem to be on my laptop, and they have had me repair and reinstall it multiple times with nothing changing. If they come up with anything I will post that.

Jim Gabler

Registered: May 6 2011
Posts: 1
Use ctrl-shift-T to pop-up the menu. I think that Adobe got too fancy - there are now several boxes in addition to the crop box.
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
May be a workaround here, using the "Resize Pages Tool" :

Registered: Nov 20 2010
Posts: 3
Thanks connellyp & Merlin,
I have always been able to pop-up the crop menu, but my problem is that I cannot change any values under Margin Controls (Top, Bottom, Left, or Right). I can change the selections under Page Range and thereby apply resizing to all pages.

When I click on the cropping tool, I can select a portion of the PDF page, and the Margin Controls show the vlaues. BUT the real problem is that I want to adjust the selected portion slightly more by further adjusting the Margin Controls values, but I cannot. All I can do is accept whatever I originally selected with the cursor. So if it is not exactly what I need, I must keep reselecting until it is close to what I want. For example, my scanner creates a PDF page slightly larger than 8.5x11, so I want to crop it down to exactly 8.5x11, but I cannot since I can only select an area with the cursor, I cannot not adjust values in the Margin Controls to get exactly what I want. This applies to all sorts of other things that I scan and then want to crop smaller. I miss the previous versions which allowed me to see the lines for the crop on the actual PDF page under the crop menu window. That made it very easy to crop to exactly what I wanted. Version X is a giant step backward in cropping.

Acrobat Support told me about 4 months ago that my problem is an actual bug in version X, but neither of the two updates that have subsequently been made available (& I applied) have made any difference. So my problem has still not been fixed - so I am not too impressed with Adobe responsiveness. I went through a lot of work to document this for them at their request, and once told it was a bug, my problem was closed to be fixed sometime in the future. I am still waiting!

Jim Gabler