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.dat back to .pdf

Registered: Jun 7 2007
Posts: 3


I am looking for a wayl to re-assemble into a single .pdf file multiple .dat files created automatically by our “scan to mail” copier, whenever the scanned documents contain too many pages.

This Nashua copier creates a single .pdf file when scanning a few pages. Whenever the number of scanned pages becomes too large, then automatically .dat files are created instead.

Apparently the .dat files are coded in base64. This is all I know but could supply sample file to whomever is interested to help.

Has anyone heard of such a case and been able to solve it ?



Registered: Sep 24 2005
Posts: 252
Can you expand these files with winzip?


I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999

Registered: Jun 7 2007
Posts: 3
Thanks for your help Jon. My good friend and acrobat guru, Bjorn Z., showed me the way, in two steps :

1. Concatenate the .dat files into a single .dat file. The "cat" (Macintosh) or "copy" (Windows) instructions can do this easily for you.

2. Drop the single .dat on Stuffit Expander. Out comes the .pdf file + eventual comments. Note that on Windows I had to use an older version of Stuffit Expander. Apparently the last Stuffit Deluxe does not include, although mentioned, the free Expander program.

Very easy enough and free !

Last comment: in my search for the solution, I was quoted a 8000 euro price (+ runtime fee per seat) by for the custom coding of a program which would do this trick...

Good day !

Registered: Feb 7 2011
Posts: 1
In fact there's an easier way. The concatenated .dat file is actually in the .eml format which can be read by any email client.


First concatenate your files:

(On Windows)
copy part1_5.dat+part2_5.dat+part3_5.dat+part4_5.dat+part5_5.dat concat.eml

(On Linux)
cat part1_5.dat part2_5.dat part3_5.dat part4_5.dat part5_5.dat > concat.eml

Open concat.eml with your email client, pdf should be attached.