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Date stamp on web page pdf files

Registered: Apr 27 2010
Posts: 5

Is there a way to convert a web page to PDF and include a date stamp to record the date and time the web page was captured?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Yes, there is something.
Use Acrobat's Create PDF From Web Page.
A dialog is presented for you to enter the desired URL.
The 'Settings' button (bottom right) in this dialog opens the 'Web Page Conversion Settings" dialog.
In the PDF Settings pane, the selection "Place headers and footers on new page" is ticked by default.

So, when used, look at the resultant PDF's header &/or footer.
A date/time entry will be in one of these.

Note that edits to the 'Web Page Conversion Settings" dialog are sticky.

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Be well...