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Default Saved Settings during batch processing

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 4

I have a batch sequence which adds a background to the first page of each pdf file in a directory. The problem is that Acrobat always defaults to [None specified] in the Saved Settings dialog box. If I edit the batch sequence to use 'interactive mode' it prompts me for each file. I just want to set the 'Saved Settings' once, and have the batch sequence use this each time.

What am I missing? How can I accomplish this? Thanks!

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
If you want to use Acrobat's drop down choices for saving the modified file, I think those are the choices provided. If you want to do something different, you will have to add some JavaScript to your process to create the new name and save the newly named file within your process.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 10 2007
Posts: 4
Thanks for the response gkaiseril, but I guess I didn't explain my problem correctly.

In the Document->Add Background->Add/Replace dialog box, the first item is 'Saved Settings', which defaults to [None specified]. I have chosen a source file, page range options, etc for the background I want to add. I can then 'Save Settings...' and call it say 'Letterhead and logo'. Then those settings get added to the 'Saved Settings' dropdown box so the next time I want to add a background, I can select 'Letterhead and logo' in the dropdown box and not have to re-type all my settings. This is fine.I want to do this for multiple files, so I set up a batch processing sequence. The problem is that when I execute this batch sequence, it uses the [None specified] setting, and I want it to use the 'Letterhead and logo' setting.

So my question is, how do I set up a batch sequence to Add background and specify which Saved Setting I want to use? It always goes back to [None specified].

I guess there's another way of asking this question without involving batch sequences. If I add a background on document A and change to 'Letterhead and logo' and say OK that's fine. But when I open document B and add a background, it's back to [None specified]. How can I tell Acrobat to default to 'Letterhead and logo' each time I enter the add background dialog box? If I can do this, I think it will solve my batch sequence problem also.

Thanks in advance.