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Deleting multiple buttons in Acrobat 9

Registered: May 10 2010
Posts: 3

Hello there,

Things have changed from Acrobat 5 to Acrobat 9 (massive understatement......)

I'm using a button in the top left hand corner of all my PDF files to navigate back to an index and my question is how do I delete multiple buttons (within the add or edit fields tool).

I don't want to delete page by page on a 600 page document.....

In Acrobat 5 when you hit delete it asked 'delete all' and I would say yes! SIMPLE eh?

All comments/advice welcomed. Thanks in advance.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Macintosh
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
the following applies to AA9 pro; i'm not sure if it applies to AA9 standard. there are two methods for removing the buttons (be sure to preserve the original file because you may want to experiment).

1- use 'PDF optimizer' tool (on advanced menu); clear all checks, but do place check at 'discard user data'; click 'discard user data' to display selections; clear all checks, but do place check at 'discard all comments, forms and multimedia'; click OK

2- if there are multiple buttons and you want to retain some of them, use 'examine document' tool on document menu (this opens the examine document panel); at form fields click show preview (this opens the fields panel); assuming there are more than one name/type of button, click sort > alpha order (the buttons of a given name will sort in a contiguous block); (tip: use 'select object' tool); select the buttons to be deleted and hit delete key (note: the select and delete operations may take a little time; be patient)
Registered: May 10 2010
Posts: 3
rbogie, solution 2 worked for me! Many thanks & Best Regards
rbogie wrote:
2- if there are multiple buttons and you want to retain some of them, use 'examine document' tool on document menu (this opens the examine document panel); at form fields click show preview (this opens the fields panel); assuming there are more than one name/type of button, click sort > alpha order (the buttons of a given name will sort in a contiguous block); (tip: use 'select object' tool); select the buttons to be deleted and hit delete key (note: the select and delete operations may take a little time; be patient)