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Disable hand tool with arrow in all pdf's

Registered: Oct 10 2008
Posts: 9

Hello all,

I have created an interactive pdf with my own navigation menu. Trouble is, the hand tool with an arrow allows users to click anywhere they want. Is there a way to disable this so that when I send the form out, the users can't just anywhere? I am user Acrobat 9 Professional.

Any help would be appreciated.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Macintosh
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
You may want to restate the problem. I'm not sure what you mean by "hand too with an arrow" and why clicking anywhere is a problem.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
The Hand Tool icon that serves as the mouse cursor, when this tool is selected, will have an arrow in it if the PDF being viewed was created such that Articles were defined.

In the Acrobat Help, search on "read articles" for more information.

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Oct 10 2008
Posts: 9
Hello there and thank you for the post. I created the document in Adobe InDesign, but I don't believe I created any "articles." If that hand tool is over a photo or anything that does not have a button associated with it, when the user clicks on it, the next page comes up. How do I keep this from happening. I have read posts about "removing articles/threads" but I didn't make any. Also, is there a way to set preferences for a document so that it behaves the same on everyone's computer?

Thank you,
Registered: Jul 6 2008
Posts: 1876
I see what you mean now. Perhaps InDesign adds articles without you knowing about it. You can check to see what articles there are by selecting "View > Navigation Tabs > Articles" in Acrobat. If InDesign is causing them to be created, you might try to find out how to turn that off it you do not want them.Regarding document preferences, there are a number of things you can set, but you need to be specific as to which behavior you want to control.

Registered: Oct 10 2008
Posts: 9

You are correct. I checked the "create Tagged pdf" box when I exported the InDesign file. When I looked at the tags in acrobat, they were all there. Seems to be working just fine now. Thank you so much.
