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displaying a PDF full screen

Registered: Oct 22 2007
Posts: 3

Hey I'm a student at Clemson Univeristy and an architecture firm sent me a PDF file that was like a powerpoint/ flash file becasue you had to click on the buttons or links to go tot he next page. Do any one knows how to create this. if you want me to send you the file so you can see it put your e-mail in here and i'll send it to you.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4308
One will require Acrobat Professional to create a PDF and add the button fields and actions for the buttons to the PDF.

In your PowerPoint presentation add the action buttons that you want to use, if you want to use the PowerPoint button icons and paste them to same location on each page, this is for easier creation here and later.

Click on the "Make PDF" button to generate the PDF

Open the created PDF with Acrobat.

Select the "Form tool" and select the button tool. Create buttons around the PowerPoint button icons with no visible display, and for the "Mouse Up" action, enter the appropriate JavaScript action for the button. Repeat for each icon. One can duplicate the PDF buttons over multiple pages.

JavaScript Actions:

First page or home page:
this.pageNum = 0; // zero based page counter

Next page:

Previous page:

Last page:
this.pageNum = this.numPages -1;

Edit the open preferences for the PDF to open in the "Full Screen Mode".

Save and close the PDF.

Reopen the PDF and test the results.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 22 2007
Posts: 3
can i send you the file they sent me cause i'm still having some problems!!!!