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Doc ok in Reader, blank in Standard

Registered: Jul 6 2007
Posts: 2

I have a user who scanned a document in from an Imagistics 4510 network copier/scanner.

Anyway, the document opens just fine in his Acrobat 8.10 Reader but opens as a blank (or rather gray) page in his Acrobat 8.1 Standard.

Interesting enough, a different user on this WinXP Pro machine can log in and view the document in either the reader or Acrobat just fine under a different username. So, it appears to be related in some way to this user's profile or some setting. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where to look or what to do? I've reinstalled the app under the troublesome user, combed through files, verified settings, etc. I'm at a loss.

Thanks in advance for any assistance or advice.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Does the blank page occur when viewing PDFs in a browser? Can user's open a local copy of the PDF in their browser? Most often "if" conflicts occur it's in the web integration and PDFMaker macros when you have multiple versions of Acrobat installed. Here is a guide to several troubleshooting tips for this issue:

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