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Download and Open Single PDF Page Adobe Reader

Registered: Oct 12 2007
Posts: 2


I am developing internet browser stuff, and would like to know if there is ANY way possible to do this:

1. Specify a page number for an online PDF document to open
2. Only open the specified page in adobe reader in the browser without downloading the whole document.

Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
1- See that doc : []

2- Be sure that your PDF is "Optimised for fast web view", this cause the specified page to be downloaded and displayed to the end-user before (background) downloading the whole document.
Another way is to split the PDF in several one-page-documents, this can be done with the free AbracadabraTOOLS [] more easily than with the Acrobat's "Extract pages" function.;-)