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Drop Down / List Boxes

Registered: Jan 21 2011
Posts: 5

In Forms I have created List Boxes. I then save the file as a Reader Extended PDF.
When the User tabs to the List Box I would like a drop down window to appear so that the User can see all the selections at one time and choose the most appropriate one. Right now the User has to scroll through the List one at a time to select the answer.
Also, the list box always shows the last selection I entered as the "default". Is there a way for there to be no default other than creating a blank selection?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 10.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 25 2006
Posts: 255
The space for the options of a listbox is given by the size of the listbox field. Therefore, if you don't provide that size when you design the form, you may not see all the options.

One possible workaround (but not tested by yours truly, so it may fail) would be to change the rect property of the listbox field in the onFocus event, and change it back in the onBlur event. You might have to refresh the field's content after the scaling.


Max Wyss.