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Is an "Embedded Index" seen/perceived/useable by pdf programs other than Acrobat?

Registered: Nov 12 2011
Posts: 2

Is an "Embedded Index" seen/perceived/useable by pdf programs other than Acrobat?
i.e. - is it part of the "pdf standard" & therefore available industry wide?
or is it an Acrobat-only proprietary feature ?
I want to know if users of other pdf applications can see/perceive/use my Embedded Index created in Acrobat Pro 9.
Thanks for your valuable feedback.
(ps - 1st post here, and my Search on "Embedded Index" = 5 pgs but no questions/answers such as mine)

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Accepted Answer
Indexing/Search is not discussed in ISO 32000-1.
The indexing/search facility associate with Acrobat (and ability to use this with Adobe Reader) was developed specifically for the Adobe products by a vendor.
Adobe changed vendors when Acrobat 6 was developed/released. AFAIK Adobe still licenses the facility from this company.
[ ]
In response to a question a few years ago Leonard Rosenthol stated that the PDX file and associated index files was a private/internal format.
Consequently, finding some application other than one provided by Adobe may be problematic.
To check if other, non-Adobe PDF "aware" applications can use the facility your best source of information would be help/customer support provided by those companies.

Be well...

Registered: Nov 12 2011
Posts: 2
Thanks daka630, that is some interesting information.

and, of course I should contact customer support for the other apps,
which I will do this week, & hopefully have some answers to report back with,
that may help anyone else with similar questions.
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Mar 1 2006
Posts: 766
Hi guys,

what are you talking about ?

gregarious asked about the "embedded index" that came with Acrobat 8, and daka630 answers about the "Catalog index"…
