I've looked all over the web and am having no luck. I'm a finance guy doing research.
I want to hyperlink the numberical data in each EXCEL 2007 spreadsheet cell to the specific PDF page within an SEC filing that references the cell data. I am using Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard. This process will provide a quick means of substantiating the data in thousands of cells.
I have read articles on named destinations, but the problem seems to be that
=page# is not recognized by Excel. Thhe hyperlink will go to the document, but not the specific page.
We have a web server along the lines of file// but if absolutely necesssary I could save to my local if that makes a difference.
If anyone has some other ideas about how to do what I want other than hyperlinking to adobe, then I'm all ears, otherwise. New verision like PRO, other software, or other approaches to obtain the same result.
I appreciate anyone's time and thank you in advance.
Are you talking about linking the data to a specific field? Then you need to use the ADBC on an ODBC connection to an SQL database. Excel can be setup to appear as an SQL database, but the configuration and coding is not simple.
George Kaiser