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Export from InDesign TOC problems

Registered: Jun 18 2008
Posts: 3

I am working in InDesign CS3 on a Mac, and converting a book to PDF. Problem is, the first document in the book contains a TOC, and when I try to export the document (with the TOC) to pdf, if I tell it to include the bookmarks (which I want), the pages look blank or have screwed-up text and columns and an error code comes up with "wrong operand type" and "can't find the document."

I have replaced pages, tried to export without bookmarks, redone the entire document, and redone the TOC, all to no avail. I even uninstalled Version Cue, thinking that might be the problem.

I am at a loss. Any ideas, anyone?


Kate Russell

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.1.2, Macintosh
Acrobat 9
Registered: May 20 2008
Posts: 19
The first thing I think of is if you're converting each chapter to a seperate pdf or if you're converting to pdf from the book panel submenu?

converting each chapter (individual indd file) to pdf will result in broken links and funny error codes.

or this from the adobe forums might be what you're looking for:

Ron Marson wrote:
Converting a multi-page InDesign doc to a PDF file results in "wrong operand type" error message with a file that displays normal pages, pages with missing objects, and missing pages. The error seems to be connected with the way objects are grouped in InDesign.Solution: Add a page in InDesign after each corrupted page. Drag elements onto the new page and run a single-page PDF export test until the corrupting element shows up to flash the error message. Regroup that corrupting object, and the problem will generally go away.

Ron Marson
Registered: Jun 18 2008
Posts: 3
Thanks for your response! No, I was converting the entire document. I tried what you suggested, but for me, it didn't work. Seems there was some problem with the styles I had set up for the TOC (even though they had worked before).

Once I took out all the styles and then reset them, it worked like a charm. I dunno. One of those mysteries that is beyond my editor's brain capacity, I guess.


Kate Russell