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Extending usage rights - does the 500 limit apply?

Registered: Jul 21 2010
Posts: 1

I want to create a fillable form with usage rights applied and based on the specific wording of the license agreement, I am not sure whether the 500 limit applies or not. I want to create the form in Acrobat 9 Pro, extend usage rights, and then give the extended form to a coworker who will use the Reader application to fill it in. She will then save the filled-in form to her PC. The coworker would be filling in the form well over 500 times, but the form is essentially for personal use and the save is for archival purposes only; no data is being sent anywhere. So does the limit of 500 uses apply in this situation or is that limit intended more for a true data collection scenario where a form is distributed to many users who fill it out and then send it back to the form originator?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
You can send [u]out[/u] as many forms as you want to as many people as you want - the limit of 500 in the EULA applies to [u]you[/u] receiving the data back again.

We can't impose Acrobat's terms and conditions on the recipients of a PDF who only have Reader, so they can save as many times as they wish - provided they don't send them all back to you.