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Extracting Abstract and Table of Content from an existing PDF

Registered: Feb 13 2009
Posts: 10


I'm currently working on an ebook system prototype for my assignment. I understand that it is possible for an application to get the Title, Author, Keywords from an existing PDF document using Coldfusion cfpdf tag. How about getting information such as the abstract and table of content from the pdf file?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.1, Windows
Registered: Oct 10 2008
Posts: 26
You may want to look at APGetInfo:

Appligent Document Solutions

Registered: Feb 13 2009
Posts: 10
sorry, i was looking for solution that is free.

i found that that Coldfusion 8 cfdocument allow me to extract all the text from a pdf document. However this would result in a lot of data, hence i am looking for ways to extract out only the bookmarks/ table of content.