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Extracting only a couple of pages.

Registered: Jun 21 2007
Posts: 2

I have Acrobat Reader 8.1.

Someone sent me a large many many page .pdf. I want to extract two pages from the document and forward them to someone else.

Is there a way to do this. I can not find a way to extract pages from a document.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Reader says it all. It is a reader program and nothing more. If you want to do simple edits, comment, sign, save, etc, you will have to purchase a full PDF processing program like Acrobat Standard or Professional version of Acrobat or Niro PDF.

George Kaiser

Registered: May 8 2007
Posts: 34
If you don't have the full version of Adobe Acrobat, there are tools available to do what you want to do.

If you go to you will find one.

On the other hand if you need to do much more with PDF's the full version of Adobe Acrobat is the tool you need.

Dan Barbaria