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Facing issues with opening pdf documents using acrobat 6.0

Registered: Jun 8 2007
Posts: 5

Hi All,

I m new to this. Not sure if i m posting it at the right place. Let me know i m incorrect.

I have an web based application from where i will publish some pdf documents. Users will click on the link and the pdf document shd open in the right pane of the browser window. Recently i added the 'content disposition' header to get a proper file name when user does right click and selects the 'save target as' option.

Now i am facing a strange issue. With some of the PDF file i get "File Download" dialog box with option 'open', 'save' and 'cancel'. If i select the 'open' option it opens the pdf document in a new acrobat window. My aim right now is to avoid that "file download" dailog box.

I am getting this dialog box only with IE6.0 with SP2. I have also tested with firefox but this dialog box doesn't come.

Let me know if there are any suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

Registered: Sep 24 2005
Posts: 252
OK - does the PDF file actually have the .pdf extension?


I've been using Acrobat since v1.0 and still get amazed by its power. An Acrobat ACE since 1999

Registered: Jun 8 2007
Posts: 5
Yes it has the ".pdf" extension.
Registered: Jun 8 2007
Posts: 5
Hi All,

Here is some more information i could gather on this issue:

1) Currently we are using the "content-disposition" header as follows:
Content-Disposition: ;filename=abc.pdf;
It displays the file inline and on right click populates the name we suggest into the 'save as' dialog box. But as i mentioned in the previous mail sometimes we get a "File Download" dialog box.

2) After some google search i came across a similar scenario posted and the solution proposed was to use the "content-dispostion" header as follows:
Content-Disposition: inline;
With this all the files (including the ones for which i was getting the 'file download' dialog box started opening properly. But to complete my requirement i need to provide a proper filename also to the user when they do a 'right click and select the save target as' option.

Out of curiosity and based on the RFC and results obtained from step 1 and 2 i tried following combination:
3)Content-Disposition: inline;filename=abc.pdf;
My expectation was that browser will display all the files 'inline' and will also suggest a proper filename when user does a right click and 'save target as' option. But to my surprise the behavior remained same for all the files as i have mentioned in the step 1 above.

I am using Internet Explorer 6.0 with SP2.

I have following questions now:
1) Is there any issue if we use the content-disposition header in this form "Content-Disposition: inline;filename=abc.pdf;" ?

2) Does IE support and interpret "Content-Disposition: inline;filename=abc.pdf;" properly?

3) Does Acrobat Reader support and interpret "Content-Disposition: inline;filename=abc.pdf;" properly?

4) Is this a "Content-Disposition: inline;filename=abc.pdf;" a wrong way of using the content-disposition header and we shd use it as "Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=abc.pdf;" only?

Registered: Jun 14 2008
Posts: 1
Try the html to pdf converter for .net from . You can achieve the html to pdf conversion in a few lines of code:

PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();
byte[] downloadBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfFromUrlBytes(MyURL);