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File server links do not work on web server

Registered: Dec 20 2007
Posts: 6

I have a Word document with links that point to PDF files on a separate file server. The links work in the Word document, both on my local drive and on the web server. The Word document is then converted to a PDF document. The links work on my local drive, but do not work on the web server. The name of the web server is appended to the front of the links. For example: file:\\\//fileserver/home/test.pdf gets converted to http://webserver/fileserver/home/test.pdf (this link does not work)


Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
What version of Acrobat are you using? If you create a link manually in your PDF using the format http://webserver/fileserver/home/test.pdf does it work? Probably not since both the webserver and fileserver are being incorporated into the URL.
In the MSWord Options dialog General tab there is a setting called "Update automatic links at open" which causes Word to add the document's current path to all relative links when you open the document. Try unchecking it to see if it corrects the problem.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Dec 20 2007
Posts: 6
I'm using Acrobat 7.0.5 and Word 2003.

I tried to create the link directly in the PDF document as \\fileserver\home\test.pdf and I got the same results. The link worked on the local drive, but not on the web server. The web server link was changed to http://webserver/fileserver/home/test.pdf
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Did you try turning off the "Update automatic links at open" in Word before creating the PDF?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Dec 20 2007
Posts: 6
Yes, the "Update automatic links at Open" is unchecked in Word before converting to PDF.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Just my natterings, but...
The issue with the link path(s) is not an Acrobat problem.

1. Turn off whatever is creating
The HTTP: scheme is for web servers (web space) only. Non-functional for file severs (LAN space). The path above is looking for file "test.pdf" IN share/directory "home" which is IN "fileserver" which is IN webserver.
I suspect that is not, in fact, your situation.

2. Generally, browser will recognize the file: scheme.
Note that W3 Org appears to have "retired" this scheme.

going to a share on the fileserver
file://///3. Is the web server a Unix/Linux box?
Both are case sensitive. You are coming from a Windows work box.
Windows (FAT/NTFS) is case aware but deals with it differently.
(see msdev)
Anyway, may be worth a cross-check if going to Unix/Linux web server(s).

4. Some LAN file servers are configured to block the file: scheme.
Ask you IT group.

5. Do all end-users have appropriate access permission(s) to the file server, the share(s), the sub-directories, and files?

6. Can the PDF files on the file server(s) be copied/moved over to the web server? Redo the links.

7. Some reading resources

Be well... :)

Be well...