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Fillable PDFs

Registered: Jun 16 2011
Posts: 2

Hello All,
So this is my first official post and want to first say thank you to all for the direction I know I will be receiving :)
Ok. So I have a form that I typed up in word. I then saved it as a PDF with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. What I want to do is make certain copy in the PDF editable for others like date, name, and address. When I go to add a text field over the text [Date] that I would want staff to edit when they use this PDF all that happens is that a text field is entered and yeah you can certainly type in it but the original copy still shows behind it. How can I take the actual copy that is saved in the PDF and make that a editable text field?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
While Acrobat provides tools for some minor editing of PDF the file format was not designed to support content format, editing or layout. That's what the authoring applications provide. Create the form "bones" in Word then output the PDF. Use Acrobat to add the form fields for user to enter requisite information (an "acrobat form"). Or play with LiveCycle Designer (installed with Acrobat) to build dynamic forms.
Look through the content in the Learning Center here at AUC. You'll see a generous selection of information on both form "types".
Like a painting, a PDF is a blank canvas on which a PDF producing agent "paints" the content.
There's a nice discussion of this at Duff Johnson's "Talking PDF" over at
Basically, your "as-described" is not functionally sustainable.

Be well...

Registered: Jun 16 2011
Posts: 2
Thank you for the feedback...much appreciated :)