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The FIND-command problems

Registered: Oct 18 2007
Posts: 3

Hi. I am using Illustrator CS2 for creating PDF with layers. The users of the PDF-files have to use Find-command to find texts from the large image.
Problems: (1) Find-command does not find all texts (for example if they are curved in illustrator) (2) Find-command finds a specific area with the text inside of it, not only the text. Do anyone have experience of this kind of behaviour? Is this PDF or Illustrator problem.. -Teuvo

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Reader 8.1.2, Macintosh
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Are the curved text items selectable text or images of text in the PDF. Find can only deal wth selectable text not images of text.

George Kaiser

Registered: Oct 18 2007
Posts: 3
Thanks, Text is selectable but it seems to be stretched in Illustrator. And there is space between each character. I think that problem occures when I make the PDF-file from Illustrator.